Associations | Nation | Language | Industry |
AAF - American Advertising Federation | Usa | English | Advertising & Events |
PPAF Promotional Pros Ass'n Florida | Usa | English | Association |
APA Awards & Personalization Ass'n | Usa | English | Awards |
NCA National Confectioners Association | Usa | English | Confectionery |
RCI Retail Confectioners International | Usa | English | Confectionery |
FESPA - Fed.European Screen Printer Ass'ns | U.k. | English | digital printing |
NNEP Nat.Network Embroidery Professionals | Usa | English | Embroidery |
RPI - Recognition Professionals International | Usa | English | employee recognition |
CGTA Canadian Gift & Tableware Ass'n | Canada | English | Gift - Houseware |
GA - The Giftware association | U.k. | English | Gift - Houseware |
LESI Llicensing Executives Society Int'l | Usa | English | Gift - Licensing |
LES Llicensing Executives Society Usa/Canada | Usa | English | Gift - Licensing |
APIIP Assn Suppliers & Importers Promotional tems | Romania | Romanian | gift - promotion |
PPP - Promotional Products Professionals | The Netherlands | Netherl/En | gift - promotion |
ANCMA - Cycle & Motorcycle association | Italy | italian/E | Gift - Sporting |
PPPC - Promotonal Pros. Profess. of Canada | Canada | English | Gift & Premiums |
Promocadeaux | France | French | Gift & Premiums |
AZPPA - Arizona Promotional Pro's Ass'n | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
CASA Caribbean Advertising Specialty Ass'n | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
CAAMP Carolinas Ass'n Adv & Mkt Professionals | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
IPSA - Inst. For Profess. Advertising-souvenir | Russia | Russian/E | Gift & Premiums |
ZZ weekly test | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
VF - Ass'n of the flock Industry Europe | Germany | German/E | Gift & Premiums |
APMC - Assn Promotional Mktg Consultants | Ireland | English | Gift & Premiums |
ASI - Advertising Specialty Institute | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
IGC Global Promotions NV | The Netherlands | English | Gift & Premiums |
PSDA Print Services & Distribution Ass'n | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
IPPAG Int'l Partnership for Premiums & Gifts | Switzerl. | English | Gift & Premiums |
EPPA - European Promotional Pros Ass'n | U.K. | English | Gift & Premiums |
Assoprom | Italy | Italian / E | Gift & Premiums |
Promotional Products Ass. of Florida | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
SAPP - Swedish Ass'n of Promotional Pros. | Sweden | Swedish | Gift & Premiums |
PPAC - Promotional Pros. Ass'n of Canada | Canada | English | Gift & Premiums |
BPMA - British Promotional Merchand. Ass'n | U.k. | English | Gift & Premiums |
Aimfap Importadores, Mayoristas, Fabricantes | Spain | Spanish | Gift & Premiums |
FYVAR Fabricantes Y Vendedores Art. Promoc. | Spain | Spanish | Gift & Premiums |
2FPCO - Fed. Francaise Professionels Commun. | France | French | Gift & Premiums |
Syprocaf Les fabricants d'objets de Commun. | France | French | Gift & Premiums |
ETA - Embroidery Trade Association | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
BWL - Bundesverband Werbeart. Liefe. e.V. | Germany | German | Gift & premiums |
BFR - Brancheforeningen for Reklameartikler | Denmark | Danish | Gift & Premiums |
Aimpes - Ass.Ital.Maifatturieri Pelli e Succed. | Italy | Italian | Gift & Premiums |
Promoturk | Turkey | Turkish/E | Gift & Premiums |
VOW - Austrian Dealers Association | Austria | German | Gift & Premiums |
BAPP - Belgian Ass'n Promotional Products | Belgium | Neder/F | Gift & Premiums |
ARA - Awards & Recognition Association | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
PPAI - Promotional Products Assn. Int'l | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
PPASW - Promotional Pros Assn Southwest | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
Promoswiss - Swiss Ass'n promotional items | Switzerl. | GermanF/I | Gift & Premiums |
TBEA - Taiwan Bicycle Exporters' Assn | Taiwan | Eng/Chinese | Gift & Premiums |
PROMOTA Promotional Merchandise Trade Ass | U.k. | English | Gift & Premiums |
TRASA Three Rivers ADV Specialty Ass'n | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
MGPA Malaysian Gifts And Premium Entrep. | Malaysia | English | Gift & Premiums |
PPGA Promotional Pros. & Giftware Ass'n | Singapore | English | Gift & Premiums |
APPSON Ass Promotion Specialists Nigeria | Nigeria | English | Gift & Premiums |
CGASA Corporate Gifts Ass'n South Africa | South Africa | English | Gift & Premiums |
PPAChicago | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
Ipromoteu | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
TGP Thai Gifts Premiums & Decorative Ass'n | Thailand | Thai/E | Gift & Premiums |
AIA Adventures In Advertising | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
Singapore Gifts Association | Singapore | English | Gift & Premiums |
CPPA Chesapeake Promotional Pros Ass'n | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
NBR Norwegian Ass.Promotional Items | Norway | Norwegian | Gift & Premiums |
SBPR Swedish | Sweden | Swedish | Gift & Premiums |
PIAP Polish Chamber Promotion | Poland | Polish/E | Gift & Premiums |
PPAF Promotional Pros Ass'n of Florida | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
AMPPRO - Mex Ass'n Promotion Professionals | Mexico | Spanish | Gift & Premiums |
IPPDC Independent Promot. Pros Distrib | Canada | English | Gift & Premiums |
SAAGNY - Specially Advertising Ass'n New York | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
NEPPA - New England Promotional Pros Ass'n | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
RAAC - Regional Ass'n Council (PPAI) | Usa | English | Gift & Premiums |
APPA Australasian Promotional Pro's Ass'n | Australia | English | Gift & Premiums |
PSI – Promotional Product Service Institute | Germany | German, English | Gift & Premiums |
BWG - Promotional Pro's Association | Germany | German | Gift & Premiums |
Verband Österreichischer Werbemittelhändler | Austria | German | Gift & Promotion |
PAPPA - Philadelphia Area Promotional… | Usa | English | Gift & Promotion |
UMAPP Upper Midwest Ass'n Promo Profs | Usa | English | Gifts + Promotion |
ISPI - Int' l Soc. for Performance Improvement | Usa | English | Human Performance |
SHRM - Society for Human Resource Man't | Intl | English | Human Resources |
IRF - Incentive Research Foundation | Usa | English | Incentive & Motivation |
IMA Incentive Marketing Ass'n Canada Council | Canada | English | Incentive Marketing |
IFI Incentive Federation Inc | Usa | English | Incentive Marketing |
IMRA - Incentive Mfg & Representatives Alliance | Usa | English | Incentive Marketing |
IGCC - Incentive Gift Card Coalition | Usa | English | Incentive Marketing |
IMA - Incentive Marketing Association | Usa | English | Incentive Marketing |
IFIA Int'l Fed. Of Inventors' Associations | Switzerland | English | Inventions |
LIMA - Licensing Ind. Merchandisers' Ass'n | Usa | English | Licensing |
SAAC Speciality Advertising Ass'n California | Usa | English | mice |
IAC - Int'l Association of Coaching | Usa | English | Motivation - Coaching |
Federaz. Italiana Coach | Italy | English | Motivation - Coaching |
AICP Associaz Italiana Coach Professionisti | Italy | Italian | motivation - coaching |
EIA - Employee Involvement Association | Usa | English | Motivation & Training |
ASTD - American Soc.for Training & Develop' t | Usa | English | Motivation & Training |
IPC - Incentive Performance Center | Usa | English | Motivation & Training |
APT Ass'n for Print Technologies | Usa | English | Printing |
Intergraph a.i.s.b.l. | Belgium | English | printing & packaging |
PLMA Private Label Manufacturers Assn | Usa | English | Private Label |
The Promotional Group | U.k. | English | Promotion |
GWW - German promotional pros business assn | Germany | German | promotion |
PMANC Promot. Mkt. Ass'n Nothern California | Usa | English | Promotion |
AZPPAI - Arizona Promotional Products Assn. Int'l | Usa | English | promotional gifts |
GCPPA Gold Coast Promotional Pros.Assn | Usa | English | Promotional Gifts |
ISP - The Institute of Sales Professionals | U.k. | English | Sales Promotion |
SIOTEC - Serigrafie Italiane Organizzate | Italy | Italian | screen printing |
ESMA - Euro specialist printing mfgs | U.k. | English | Screen Printing |
NPSOA National Print Owners Ass'n | Usa | English | silksprint |
SBASA Singapore Booksellers & Stationery Ass'n | Singapore | English | Stationery |
WTHRA - Western Toy & Hobby Repres. Ass'n | Usa | English | Toys |
TIA - Toy Industry Association | Usa | English | Toys |
Assogiocattoli | Italy | Italian | Toys - Gifts |
DVSI Deutscher Verband Spielwarenind. | Germany | German | Toys - Gifts |
Gift Card & Voucher Association | U.k. | English | Vouchers |
SVIA - | Belgium | English | Vouchers |