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PTE - PromotionTrade

Category Gifts - stationary

Description If you are involved in the decorated apparel industry - whether in screen printing, embroidery, promotional products, retail, or marketing - PromotionTrade - Pte will show you how to achieve quality results and do so profitably. With more than 150 exhibitors, PromotionTrade - Pte serves as the one-stop shop for the latest equipment and new techniques where specialized manufacturers and importers come face to face with distributors and intermediaries. You can count on seeing the biggest names in the industry at PTE as well as new sources to enrich your product mix. The time and the place to see up-to-the-minute industry trends and innovative technological advances await you at PTE . Here, you will not only test drive the latest products, services and technology driving the growth of this dynamic industry, but the many networking opportunities will ensure you have fun while you do it. For more than 10 years, hundreds of equipment, apparel and supplies exhibitors have come to PTE to show the latest in technology and techniques to the promotional items and decorated apparel industry. PTE is ideal for promotional product businesses searching for new ideas, new business relationships and more and delivers the tools you need for a strong year and is the only Italian showcase for promotional products and business gifts, aimed exclusively at intermediaries of the industry: resellers, distributors and importers. The featured products span the entire range of promotional products and corporate gifts, including apparel, writing equipment, leather goods, consumer electronics, small domestic appliances, personal accessories, and personalization equipment. PTE is located in the new complex in Pero) and easily accessible by underground (Metro + free navette). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PromotionTrade Exhibition (Fiera Rho/Pero) è l’unica vetrina italiana, e una delle più importanti in Europa, dedicata all’oggetto promozionale e al regalo d’affari, che si caratterizza per essere aperta esclusivamente agli intermediari del settore promozionale (serigrafi, ricamifici, stampatori digitali) e ai personalizzatori. Una grande area al centro del padiglione interamente dedicata alle macchine per personalizzare qualsiasi oggetto o capo di abbigliamento. La manifestazione prevede due aree: quella dedicata agli articoli tessili e all’oggettistica e quella dedicata alle macchine per la personalizzazione. L’offerta di PTE è molteplice: dalle curiosità riguardanti la PTO (Pubblicità Tramite Oggetto) alle idee più originali per la regalistica d’affari e l’incentivazione; dalle ultime tendenze per l’abbigliamento e gli accessori alle tecniche più innovative per la personalizzare i prodotti. Previsti 167 Espositori (il 27% è alla prima partecipazione), di cui il 29% provenienti dall’estero: 14 paesi presenti, i più rappresentati sono Francia, Germania, Polonia e Spagna.
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