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Texworld Usa Winter

Category decorated garment

Description Texworld USA is the largest sourcing event in North America for apparel fabric buyers, R&D and product development specialists, designers, merchandisers and overseas sourcing professionals. Meet with mills and manufacturers from Asia and around the world showcasing their collections for women’s, men’s and children’s. Join us in New York City at the Javits Convention Center! This dynamic tradeshow is in cooperation with Lenzing Fibers and is an expansion of their successful fabrics trade fair, Innovation Asia (formerly TENCEL New York Inc.). At the last edition of Texworld USA, 1574 registered attendees chose findings and trims as a primary area of interest at the show. The lace and embroidery category was indicated as a primary area of interest for 1390 attendees. These registration statistics, in addition to multiple personal e-mail requests from buyers have lead to an increased focus on these areas at Texworld USA for the next show – timed for Spring, prom and bridal fashions. Held bi-annually, Texworld USA provides the opportunity to meet directly with a wide range of manufacturers from Asia, the Middle East, North America and from many other regions from around the globe. This is a must attend event for professionals in every facet of the industry – ready to be inspired by fabrics, influenced by the latest trends and introduced to a host of reliable, cutting-edge apparel textile companies. ++++++++ Co-located with Apparel Sourcing Usa ++++++++
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